
Noun : too tired to give a shit.

Moonlight Flyby

She walks the sand at night.

The heavy darkness her cloak,

Eyes down cast,

She sees only the way the retreating surf swirls around her bare feet,

Hand in her pockets,

She doesn’t feel the cold,

She just walks.

And her head swims with all the things we will never know,

But we all know in some context or another,

She is troubled.

But she is still walking.

Cocooned in the bosom of the witching hour,

Straddling the plains of land and sea and air whipping around her face,

Whipping sand against the tend flesh,

Getting caught in the occasional tear,

She keeps walking.

Ever onward on the glowing sand,

Illuminated by the moon,

She is a metaphor for her own spirit,


Ever moving headlong into the dark uncertain spaces of life,

She is worthy of my admiration.

She walks.

While we strive to ascribe our own adjectives to her travels, her travails,

How could we ever?

We can’t even trace the path of footsteps faded by the gentle sea,

As if the Triton himself would protect her solitude,

That none may follow and interrupt the conclave of her thoughts,

As she walks.

A steadfast march into eventuality,

Into the event horizon of her this time life.

She walks alone in the moonlight,

On the axis of sea and earth,

Cradled by wind trying to nurse the embers of her fire.

Too tired to be wary,

Too tired for any shit but her own.

About Michelle Toussaint

Michelle Toussaint is an Antiguan who has amassed an Associate Degree in Science Education as well as a Diploma in Forensic Science. As such, she Teaches Science in the classroom as well as at home, where she leads...er... co-leads The Tribe. A merry band comprising her Husband-The Chief, herself-The Priestess, and her three precocious children- the tribesmen. When she isn’t mothering, teaching, being a fangirl or feeding her chocolate addiction. She writes two blogs. Random_Michelle and Death By Expectations. View all posts by Michelle Toussaint

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