Tag Archives: cathartic

red on floral


She watches him sleep,

his chest,

rises and falls,

rises and falls,

rises and falls,

so peaceful.

Could have been an apparition,

those raised hands and voices,

the impact of palm and face,

palm and face,

palm and face,

’til her lip split.

Wouldn’t it be easy,

warm blood soaking her cotton sheets,

red on floral,

smeared because he would come awake.

Red hand clutching for her,

Would he take her with?

To his hell?

he would try,

and try,

and again try,

Would he win?

would it matter?

She was dead,



Watching him now,

while he sleeps.


Noun : too tired to give a shit.

Moonlight Flyby

She walks the sand at night.

The heavy darkness her cloak,

Eyes down cast,

She sees only the way the retreating surf swirls around her bare feet,

Hand in her pockets,

She doesn’t feel the cold,

She just walks.

And her head swims with all the things we will never know,

But we all know in some context or another,

She is troubled.

But she is still walking.

Cocooned in the bosom of the witching hour,

Straddling the plains of land and sea and air whipping around her face,

Whipping sand against the tend flesh,

Getting caught in the occasional tear,

She keeps walking.

Ever onward on the glowing sand,

Illuminated by the moon,

She is a metaphor for her own spirit,


Ever moving headlong into the dark uncertain spaces of life,

She is worthy of my admiration.

She walks.

While we strive to ascribe our own adjectives to her travels, her travails,

How could we ever?

We can’t even trace the path of footsteps faded by the gentle sea,

As if the Triton himself would protect her solitude,

That none may follow and interrupt the conclave of her thoughts,

As she walks.

A steadfast march into eventuality,

Into the event horizon of her this time life.

She walks alone in the moonlight,

On the axis of sea and earth,

Cradled by wind trying to nurse the embers of her fire.

Too tired to be wary,

Too tired for any shit but her own.

For my Children


Here lies the body of the Woman I was,

I lay her to rest on the bones of the Girl I was,

On the dust of the child I was,

On the memory of the babe my mother bore,

So painfully.

That her pain should be repaid with suffering of a different kind,

Leaving freedom in her wake for the blessed burden of another life,

Willingly she did this, for someone,

Totally dependent on her,

Here lie my rose colored glasses for a babe knows nothing of pain,

A babe knows everything of need and helplessness,

In a way we are all in someway ever babes.

Are we not?

Here lies a child’s laughter,

Unapologetically loud and resigned of all things labeled,

Innocent is what I was then,

Too young to know the ugliness of life,

Of a cousin beating on a wife,

To see the patterns of rape in his daughter,

To feel outrage at such things.

I was young and innocent,

I will not apologize for it.

I was protected lucky me, as I was humble, and sheltered,

A right that should be reserved for all children,

A right that should be reserved for mine,

I bid you please not to take that away.

But as all great eras must, my innocence ended.

Not as abruptly as my peace,

Ripped away slowly as time and age and circumstance came to call,

That with my first crimson tide, should come an awareness of myself.

A truth both profound and terrifying.

I am Precious, Precious, PRECIOUS,

and no one least of all I, should take that for granted.

It is a weight most heavy on a young woman’s shoulders.

Easily misinterpreted or mis-allocated with all the voices screaming,

BE FREE like this,

BE YOU like us,

BE HAPPY but not too much so,

BE UNTOUCHABLE in the heart,

BE TOUCHED by anyone who draws near,

for all this fit into the new mold that crushed the last,

as I tried and failed to grasp the woman I was becoming,

and thus I became…

I became a woman of value despite myself.

Despite all the deeds done in rebellion of whom I can’t remember,

For reasons I cannot relate lest a damn burst,

And I vomit hell in verse into your lap.

I became a woman,

With responsibility hefted on my shoulder by my own choice,

I took on that constriction around my chest and in my soul,

the one that does not let me draw breath but to move ever forward for them.

I was lucky, to have someone with me then,

To grow as I did, and learn as I did, to fall with me and let me fall

and himself fall away at times,

Creating those fractures in my being that let wisdom seep through,

To build the memory examined in hindsight,

that laid the pillars of my values, my dedication,

Leaving room for the fluidity of change within myself.

Even though I didn’t know it then,

Did not value the furrows I left in the fertile soil of his spirit,

Now and then, maybe even before time had meaning, joined to mine.

So that he recognized me as home and I labelled him my safe harbor.

He will always come back, I will always go back, Bound like that,

is impossible to dismiss easily.

Tumultuous I died,

Taken by the cancer of self doubt, self righteousness,

self importance, self respect and then neglect,

trying to become a celebrated martyr,

but there is no honor in this, no honor,

And so she too was laid to rest over the refuse of her predecessors.

Her eulogy written not in tears but in deeds yet to come,

As the Lady who grew from the rich earth of her background,

Rises meteorically,

Metamorphosed now into someone worthy of the

unconditional love of bright shining eyes,

Sending their own unapologetic utterances of joy into the ether,

Before the ugly steals their laughter,

A safe haven for their purity,

A blueprint to their probity.

Here I lay to rest the woman I was,

for my children.


Word Vomit 2


Swipe, click, tap,

View, oooo, ah,


Your way into selling your soul,

To whom ever is bidding,

But without us knowing,

Because the knowing is only for those,

To whom we are enslaved,

The Shylocks of the day,

Isn’t it so?

They own our souls,

All things we hold valuable,

Have worked for,

Come month end,

Have achieved,

Summa cum laude

Have attained,

Or have we?

All just to gain the ability to shower them with our labor,

It’s all good as long as we hold our tongues.

Except rape is never good,

Always hurting,

Even when its a cranial intrusion,

Set forth from birth,

Or preschool.

An addendum to our humanity,

That we should be,

Provisionally owned,

On the condition that we stay in line,

And drone on,

Step by step soldiering onward in the war for our own poverty,

Being faithful to god and country,

Your reward is in a heaven you may never reach,

The price of admitting being the denial of all things that make us human.

We sign on to this,

Ever checked box and dotted line,

We sign up for this, with acceptance and silence.

But for those who vomit words,

Who speak truth, whole and ugly,

Heaving interpretations they don’t want to see heard,

That the masses wake up,

And raise up,

Frightened out of fear and slumber,

By the sudden chill and convulsions,

Of new perceptions being ejected violently from a poets lips,

As he spills retch into the space between,

Cowardice and reason, giving birth to conviction,

That no more should be taken and violated,

By the mentality of ‘yes massa.’

They are made aware.

You see them?

Because a poet ruminated thought,

And upchucked wisdom into their midst,

And they were moved…

By word vomit.



This is my Confession

Me and you

These are my sins.

These are those things that make me less than perfect.

The flaws in the design molded by the hands of the most high,

These are my tests from the will of the almighty,

That my metal be tested and I may be worthy.

I imbibe in spirits for my comfort,

When I should be looking to The Spirit for comfort,

And think lustfully of photoshop images,

Oiled up and posing,

My pride gets wounded,

And my words are sometimes bitter,

I like to see the eggplants paraded on Twitter.

My sins are real,

I’ve committed them boldly,

Been judged and weighed,

For the weight of my humanity.

Now allow me this,

I shall be called to account.

And I alone can take stock,

Of how I indulge,  to what amount?

But I admit them freely.

These are my sins.

My flaws that may one day be my souls demise.

But judge not for you are not He,

Who came and died willingly.

For me?

I’m still not certain,

I’m sometimes afraid to look behind my own curtain.

To find the wounded creature there,

And discuss her motivations.

Why she aims for the jugular,

With her word weapons?

Why her imaginary audience,

Holds so much sway,

On her quest for repentance?

And who made her so hungry?

Why she began believing,

That she was never worthy?

When did she shoot her patience?

And let her herself fall so far?

Why she embraced her sins,

Instead of just getting in the car,

And leaving them there,

Instead of killing her self esteem?

I’d ask her if she cared,

About the things she did to me?

These are my sins,

My imperfections made actions,

I have admitted them boldly,

Because someone told me,

That no matter my vice,

He gave his life that I be born,

Not once but twice.

I weep


It’s heavy,

Ten tens rested

On my solar plexus,

Oppressive as it compacts,

The space where I breathe vitality in,

Over there in their rose colored world

Sit the Haves of the ages,

The barely aged,

Speaking hypothetic

Of another man’s truth,

But me?

I’m struggling to let oxygen through

My cement chest,

And wondering not for the first time

If any of this is worth it,

Is it worth it?

When labels and titles

Expensive names

And useless adjectives

Are more important than Innocent’s suffering?

When hunger cries go unanswered

And we turn a blind eyes to the battered

And cold shoulders to the needy

With devils whispering unseen

While we rally proud for a chance to sit

on the spike of Maslow’s pyramid?

I let tears run down my cheeks

For another mother son

Raped figuratively and literally,

For another sister child

Forced too soon to put aside childish things,

In order to learn how to hate herself,

And I weep

Hot salty hopelessness into my pillow

For all those needing justice,

While we fight dead battles

And futile arguments

In the name of fashionable causes,

I weep

As my sistas hold vigils for

Social idols free bleeding,

Rhetorics of hatred

Trying to affect change

For the better?

I weep for our humanity lost

© Michelle Toussaint. All Rights Reserved



Maybe if I was thin enough

Socially acceptable fluffy

You know, fashionably fat

Maybe if I picked a sexy cause

And I was loud enough

Vocal to the point of obnoxious

A walking one woman oratorical

On my tunnel versioned view of the world

Maybe if I was light skinned enough

You know if the curl of my hair wasn’t so tight

And my skin was just the right kind of light

To make me that popular shade of black

Maybe if I glammed it up enough

Was the new kind of desirable?

Always made up

Dressed up

Primed and teased and painted just so

Maybe I’m not broken enough

You know teary eyed and forceful

With my side of the plight of

10000 sistas who have strived before me

Vocalizing tired ideologies I picked up

Instead of sharing me.

Then would you see me?

Would you look up and pay attention then?

Is it cause I’m not tall enough

Loud enough

Rich enough

Bombastic  enough in my self-imposed ignorance?

Maybe but you won’t know until you decide to hear me

© Michelle Toussaint 2015

Tell the truth

images (6)

Tell the truth.

Free yourself

From the fresh hell into which you have fallen

Speak it clearly

Admit to yourself

All those secrets you have kept hidden

Even from your own heart

Regain your fidelity with reality

And let it be known

Wear it like a banner around you

Your new axiom

Share your epiphany with anyone listening

They will respect you for it

Rather than live the lie

 The stifling of your vulnerability

The machismo of being nothing

Even in the stillness of your own disquieted soul

Tell me your truth and free us both from the malady of social interaction

An unfortunate stringing together of awkward moments

Meant to fool them into thinking we are what

And how they want us to be

Whatever it is they need us to be for them to feel justified for whatever

Tell your truth

Speak your mind

Come to terms with your circumstance

For you and for me

But more for the sake of honesty


Forever Black effusion

I will not say I am sorry,

I will not break under a minor infraction to your ego

I refuse to be the victim of your judgments singularity of self

I will not say I am sorry,

I will not renounce my opinions

I will not let go of she who I am

For she who you see through the filter of your outdated inference

I will not say I am sorry.

I won’t be made to feel less that human

I will not be eroded by acid statements

I will not be weathered by cold shoulders

I will not say I’m sorry

I will admit to my flaws

I am the sum of my experience

But I will not bend or break

Because you refuse to grow

I will NOT say I’m sorry

I will not be beaten down or broken

By the arrogance of your wanting all of me

For less than the equal value of your value

I will not say I’m sorry

To a petulant vigilante

Sitting on the periphery of importance

Auctioning yourself for acceptance

I will not bow for your approval


Sticks and Stones


How could you say what you said when you said it?

So brazen and bold, letting them fall from your lips

Those phrases that dropped burning holes in my zen like acid

How could you? Say what you said? When you said it?

Behind my back, me out of ear shot, hearing every word without intention

Does it sound true to the ears of your memory, looking back at it?

Does it comfort your heart this contrivance of fiction,

Where you are a hero and I a villain?

But isn’t every villain vanquished a martyr to their cause?

How? Could you? Say what your said? When you said it?

Despite all that had passed between us,

And all that had transpired despite your transgressions at my expense.

Did you think I owed you infinite, for finite everything?

Did it not occur to you that the days of chattel were over,

and as a free woman, my labor in not just a means to your leisure?

How could you have said what you said when you said it?

In front of them, just let go of it there

Like a fire cracker going off in absolute silence

Drawing their attention there, to that spot, and that thing

Not that it matters if it’s true or not

Just that it’s there for them to look at

To mentally dissect and weigh in the court of their opinion

Against their principles

Without situational evidence.

How could you say what you said when you said it?

No that it matters what the words were

Now that the dust is clear and all is out there

In full view of anyone listening

You said what you said. Now stew in it.